"The blue bird fallen from the nest", Lily Hétet Escalard     (SixtineEditions.fr)

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Cover of the book The blue bird fallen of the nest: watercolor of a blue bird with black outlines and spreading wings
A first novel referenced by the Memorial Museum of Caen Normandy
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Available in all bookstores (distributed by Hachette (Dilicom), ISBN : 9791026284116).

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 A few words about the book 

Four friends, Louise, Jean, Marie and Antoine are two couples caught up in the brutality of the Second World War. Their lives change when one of them disappears and even more at the Liberation.

Half a century later, Victor, renowned marine biologist, around fifty years old, feels the need to go in the search of his roots. As an abandoned child, he was placed in Switzerland as were 100 000 others. Will he reveal the terrible secret of his origins?

The story of this family weaves a moving tapestry between battles, resistance, hope and madness.

In "The blue bird fallen from the nest", Lily Hétet-Escalard pays a vibrant tribute to the men and women who have experienced the horror of war through the forgotten voices of history. A heartbreaking novel, inspired by an incredible yet true story which sheds light on little-known social facts.

 A few words about the author 
Picture of the author Lily Hétet Escalard

"After a happy childhood browsing the shelves of the family bookstore, the "Lutrin" at Bayeux, and the Normandy countryside, I invested a few years with damaged teenagers with a chaotic background and being expelled from school.

Graduated in biology and geology, pianist, writing has always been with me, offering me an essential voice.

Mother of two, married, I live in Normandy.

In relationships and during my travels, I appreciate more than anything the sincerity of exchanges, avoid superficiality and I am interested in the confidences that feed my questioning of human nature."

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